Brooklyn's school Choir wait patiently to sing for the whole community! I know they all look the same in their school uniforms, but Brooklyn is there with her friends Holly and Tahlia in the Choir!
6 White Boomers
Early on one Christmas Day, a Joey Kanga-roo
Was far from home and lost in a great big zoo
Mummy, where's my mummy, they've taken her a-way
We'll help you find your mummy son, hop on the sleigh
[Verse:] Up beside the bag of toys, little Joey hopped
But they had'nt gone far when Santa stopped
Un-harnessed all the reindeer and Joey wondered why
Then he heard a far off booming in the sky
[Chorus:] Six white boomers, snow white boomers
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun
Six white boomers, snow white boomers .. On his Aus-tra-lian run
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