Friday, October 12, 2007

Brooklyn's tooth

This is the story of Brooklyn's new smile. Brooklyn lost her first tooth last month and of course wanted the whole experience documented. About two weeks later she lost the other front tooth on the bottom so now has a gaping whole in her mouth that looks so cute when she smiles.

A funny story with the tooth fairy continues because the toothfairy actually forgot to come on the first night for Brooklyn. As the McDonald's toothfairy was relatively new to this, she did forget and had to come up with an excuse as to why. Luckally Jacob and Charlotte were both sick so we found out the toothfairy was"sick" too. HAHAHA!!! Isn't it great? Are we the worst parents ever?

When the toothfairy finally came, she gave Brooklyn a $2.00 gold coin for her tooth and later another coin. I was shocked at the generosity of this tooth fairy in our household!! I remember the days when I got 20 cents and 50 cents here in Australia and Jason says he used to get a quarter or 50 cents. I tell you, inflation's a killer. Lololololol.

I do feel very grateful to have such gorgeous children. They love each other so much and are always doing things together.

So that's the story of Brooklyn's new smile. Until next time. Love you guys. bye

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